5705 Baltimore Ave, Apt. 202 * Hyattsville, MD 20781 * 651-233-6045
2008—Master of Divinity (Theology)
Starr King School for the Ministry. Berkeley, California
1997—Doctor of Philosophy (Musicology/Ethnomusicology)
University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1987—Bachelor of Arts Degree (Music)
Tufts University. Medford, Massachusetts
Professional Experience
September, 2016-present * Healing Pages Ministry
Flower—Opening the American Imagination
Flower is a full-length book that radically addresses issues of race and social difference through American popular film. It is an opening, a blossoming, a liberal-faith response to the closing of the American mind (an idea put forth by Allan Bloom in 1987). Flower is a book about the deep and abiding values of integrity, justice and compassion in socially and politically challenging times.
August 2012-August, 2016 * Ministry
Associate Minister
Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring, MD
July, 2009-June, 2012 * Ministry
Director of Congregational Life
Unity Church—Unitarian, St. Paul, MN
September, 2008-June, 2009 * Ministry
Hallman Ministerial Intern
Unity Church—Unitarian, St. Paul, MN
July, 2008-June, 2012 * Ministry
Circle of Peace—AMICUS Mentor
A Youth Incarceration/Reintegration Ministry
Unity Church—Unitarian, St. Paul, MN
July, 1999-June, 2005 * Higher Education
Director/Professor, Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture
Duke University. Durham, North Carolina
July, 1998-June, 1999 * Higher Education
Assistant Professor of Music, Conservatory of Music
Brooklyn College. Brooklyn, New York
Contract Employee in 1989 and 1992 * Justice Work
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee—Special Projects
Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts
Social Interest and Activity
Summer conferences, 1986-present * Ministry
Star Island Conference Ministry
Isles of Schoals, New Hampshire
1996-1998 and 2005-2008 * Justice Work and Spiritual Healing
Full Contact Women's Self-Defense Instructor—Impact/Bay Area
San Francisco and Oakland, California
September, 2002—June, 2005 * Community Education and National Festival Project
Full Frame Documentary Film Festival Review Committee
Durham, North Carolina
August-September, 2001 * International Justice Work
United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
Durban, South Africa
July 18-24, 1999 * International Association for Religious Freedom
International Association for Religious Freedom Conference
(Creating an Earth Community: A Religious Imperative)
Vancouver, British Columbia